Concert of the Oblivion
Interactive art, PerformanceInteractive art project, May. 2016
funded by Seoul National University
Team lead, Creative direction, performer
Collaborated with
Junho Bang, Soyeon Myung, and Heejun Kim
본 프로젝트는 서울대학교 ArtSpace@SNU전시기간동안 Paperback Exhibition이라는 이름 아래 5개의 팀으로 나뉘어 진행된 공공미술 전시입니다.
This project is a public art exhibition divided into 5 teams under the name of Paperback Exhibition during the ArtSpace@SNU exhibition period at Seoul National University.
Film credit: Sungjun Kim
어느날, 내 앞에 나타난 무대. 이 무대 위에서는 누구나 멋진 오케스트라를 지휘할 수 있다!
One day, a stage appeared in front of me. Anyone can conduct a wonderful orchestra on this stage!