I create interfaces that shape and critique the future of technology.
Most of my works start with observing people and making meaningful interactions in the physical environment. Previously, I worked as an industrial designer, and/or interaction designer.
Recently, my practice has focused on making tools to augment or mediate body and mind at the intersection of technology and design.
Some of my works have been presented at MIT News, IDEA(International Design Excellence Award) , Core77, SXSW, Fast Company, Science Museum London, Venice Biennale(TIME SPACE EXISTENCE), Seoul Design Week, and major Human-Computer Interaction conferences, including ACM CHI, DIS, UIST, IEEE HRI, and NeurIPS.
Most of my works start with observing people and making meaningful interactions in the physical environment. Previously, I worked as an industrial designer, and/or interaction designer.
Recently, my practice has focused on making tools to augment or mediate body and mind at the intersection of technology and design.
Some of my works have been presented at MIT News, IDEA(International Design Excellence Award) , Core77, SXSW, Fast Company, Science Museum London, Venice Biennale(TIME SPACE EXISTENCE), Seoul Design Week, and major Human-Computer Interaction conferences, including ACM CHI, DIS, UIST, IEEE HRI, and NeurIPS.
NeurIPS Creative AI / Vancouver, Canada
Design Korea 2024 / Seoul, South Korea
Time Space Existence, Venice Biennale / Venice, Italy
SXSW Creative Expo / Texas, USA
ZER01NE DAY(Hyundai Motor Group exhibition) / Seoul, South Korea
2021, 2023
Seoul Design Week / Seoul, South Korea
London Science Museum Lates / London, UK
Exhibition for the Korea-Iran Cultural Exchange / Teheran, Iran
ZER01NE Designer in Residence, Hyundai Motor Group($70000)
2021, 2023
DDP Young Designerponsorship
ArtCenter Nabi creative research sponsorship($7500)
Arts Vision Government Scholarship (Fully funded for undergraduate education)
2015 - 2020
Undergraduate Research Program Funding (Fully funded for undergraduate thesis project)
Fung Scholarship (Fully funded for UAL visiting student semester)
Student Design Competition winner at 2019 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human Robot Interaction
BMW-Seoul National University Research Competition Awardee
Post-plant3: The Third Type of a Series of Non-humanoid Robots with an Embedded Physical Interaction: The development of non-verbal human-robot interaction framework and interactive robot prototypes.
UIST '21: The Adjunct Publication of the 34th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (October.2021)
Post-plant: A Series of Non-humanoid Robots with Embedded Physical Non-verbal Interaction: The Development of Non-Verbal Human-Robot Interaction Framework and Input/Output Integrated Motor Interface co-authored with Jaeyeon Park, Taeyun Li
CHI EA '21: Extended Abstracts of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (May.2021)
Honk? Talk!: Designing Driver-to-Driver Communication Methods for Social Driving / co-authored with Eun Jee Sung, Hyesun Chung, Jooseung You
DIS '19 Companion: Companion Publication of the 2019 on Designing Interactive Systems Conference 2019 Companion (June.2019)
AVEC: power assist vehicle enriching communication using intuitive interface, A contextual inquiry of AVEC: power assist wheelchair enhancing communication / co-authored with Jaehoon Kim, Minkyung Kim, Hotae Lee, Jungwook Moon
HRI '19: Proceedings of the 14th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (March.2019)
Power-Assisted Wheelchair Platform based on Load Cell Interface for the Elderly,co-authored with Jaehoon Kim, Minkyung Kim, Hotae Lee, Jungwook Moon The 14th Korea Robotics Society Annual Conference (Jan.2019)
Registered patents: Korean patent number 1020190140919, 1020200003897, design patent 3020190010604(M001)