Google Creative Lab Seoul
Class project, 2020
Architectrual design

GoogleCreativeLab is a project unit team of Google that actually existed. It is a program that gathers six creators to develop new concepts of advertisements, products, and technologies. What if GoogleCreativeLab was held in Seoul, and 6 artists, developers, and scientists gathered to make an artificial tree, a robotic tree, under the theme of
The profile of each participant is collected as a profile of a real person to increase reality, and the ergonomics and psychology group that collects human data by observing and talking to people by dividing it into three groups, the scientist artist group collecting nature and weather data, and interactive It was divided into a design group that designs art and robots.
Each group receives a residence close to HumanFactorResearchLab, which faces the road, and Fabrication Studio (Robotic Greenhouse), which creates artificial trees that collect weather data, according to the group's characteristics. The residence is composed of two floors, the first floor is used as a personal rest area and the second floor is used for personal work and research. . A small shared space was prepared between the 2nd floor residences to be used as a terrace, and from all windows on the 2nd floor, the process of making art can be seen in real time. When the work is finished or during the WIP exhibition, visitors can look around through the external circulation, and when the project is completely finished, the door between the rooms in the 2nd floor residence can be opened and used as a hallway.

Perspective sections

Plan, 1F

Plan, 2F

Plan, 3F

Plan, 4F

Plan, Tower

